Jiangsu launches species list-based biodiversity conservation
2022-05-23 15:13:00

Jiangsu released three lists important to advancing biodiversity protection in the coastal province on May 20, two days ahead of the International Day for Biological Diversity. 

The Department of Ecology and Environment and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly announced the red list of threatened species, the list of invasive alien species, and the list of ecological indicator species, providing a scientific basis for continuing biodiversity conservation.  

Sinojackia xylocarpa on the red list

leopard cat on the ecological indicator species list

Jiangsu introduced the lists based on the biodiversity survey at the county level. The red list, the first of its kind in the province, includes 84 animal and plant species. The ecological indicator species help people understand environmental health and the impacts on species. Jiangsu has identified 118 species in four taxonomic ranks, such as Odorrana tormota, a species of frog native to China and found in Wuxi and Changzhou cities.  

The province named 32 invasive alien species, which are non-native to an ecosystem and may cause economic or environmental harm. 

Canada goldenrod on the invasive species list

Zhu Deming, director of the Natural Ecosystem Office of the Department of Ecology and Environment, said the list helps monitor and control invasive species, and also encourages the public avoid introducing plants or animals into an environment that is not their own. 

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Amanda