Public transportation back on track in Jiangsu
2020-03-10 15:35:00

Jiangsu Province saw 2.81 million passengers transported by highway, railway, waterway and air on March 8, according to the latest statistics.

Bus service has been resumed in the province’s 13 cities with subordinate districts and 97 percent of counties, county-level cities and districts. To support the epidemic control and help companies resume work, bus service and routes have been flexible in accordance with the specific requirements.

As of noon on March 9, the Jiangsu transportation department had organized a total of 58,000 vehicles to transport 2,228 people and 904,000 tons of cargos, including 8,668 tons sent to Hubei Province, the center of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Since January 29, 6.18 million tons of key production and living materials such as coal, oil and gas, and grain have been sent to Hubei in over 905 shipments. The materials shipped from Hubei to Jiangsu since February 6 amounted to 2.70 million tons, involving 1,095 shipments.

Since February 20, more than 39 chartered trains brought 11,613 workers back to their workplaces in the province. In the period, Jiangsu also organized 26 chartered flights to transport 3,420 returning workers.

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