Jiangsu selects service providers for intelligent transformation of manufacturing
2023-03-17 12:26:00

(CFP Photo)

Jiangsu Province has begun a recognition program for leading service providers in the field of intelligent manufacturing, according to the province's Department of Industry and Information Technology on March 16, with an aim to strengthen the service system and promote the development of intelligent manufacturing.

The applicants should have a strong capability of offering integrated services, good market reputation, original core technology, and no record of intellectual property infringement in the past three years.

The department will consult expert for their evaluations or commission a third party to assess the applicants. The winning service providers will be included in a resource pool to support the manufacturing upgrade.

Jiangsu plans to cultivate and support the service providers in order to facilitate the digital and intelligent transformation of manufacturing industries, according to a 3-year action plan (2022-2024) announced by the provincial government.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan