Wu Zhenglong: Achieving modernization at a high level in Jiangsu
2022-10-22 13:33:00

Delegates from Jiangsu Province to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) have good discussions of the report made to the Congress.

With the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development, the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has deeply revealed the characteristics and essential requirements of a Chinese path to modernization.

Wu Zhenglong, head of the Jiangsu delegation and secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, mentioned that Jiangsu is an economic powerhouse with a large population, vibrant culture and opening up, and its development has reflected a lot about China’s modernization drive.

Wu said Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has expressed high expectations of the province’s modernization and hoped Jiangsu to boast a strong economy, a prosperous life of the people, a beautiful environment and a high-degree of civilization. These expectations also show the goals of achieving an all-round well-off society and the blueprint for Jiangsu's modernization. Meanwhile, Jiangsu was urged to set an example for reform, innovation and high-quality development, promote the new development pattern as a role model, and become a frontrunner in achieving socialist modernization.

File photo of ecological environment of Hongze Lake in Huai'an, Jiangsu province. (CFP Photo)

Wu stressed that, standing at a new starting point, the province will always bear in mind the earnest wishes of Xi Jinping, closely focus on the strategic arrangements and goals and tasks laid out in the Congress report, and strive to build Jiangsu into a vibrant, modern socialist region with Chinese characteristics, making better contribution to the country’s achievements with the province’s development. Jiangsu will

 • make the promotion of high-quality development as a primary task and lay a more solid material and technical foundation for the construction of a modern and strong province;

• focus on realizing the aspirations of the people to live a better life as fundamental purpose and goal, and ensure the fruits of modernization can fully benefit all the people;

• respond to the essential requirement of common prosperity, and continuously achieve a higher level of coordinated development of urban and rural areas;

• respect Nature, follow Nature's laws and protect Nature, so as to build a modernization that features harmonious coexistence between man and Nature;

• advance the important mission of enhancing cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and accelerate comprehensive social progress and human development;

• fully understand peace and development, the theme of the times, and help build a community of common destiny for mankind in promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Nicky