Jiangsu continues to improve business environment by optimizing legal service
2023-02-08 14:45:00

(CFP Photo)

Jiangsu has pledged to enhance government services to create a world-class business environment, according to measures recently released to boost economic recovery and growth.

The province will continue to optimize legal service associated with industry chain, strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, and provide legal advice and commercial meditation service to SMEs free of charge.

In 2022, Jiangsu scored highest in the country in a survey of social satisfaction with IPR protection. Zhi Suping, director of the province's Intellectual Property Administration, said efforts will be made to nurture brands and further enhance the IPR protection system.

Followingthe approach of rigorous judicial protection, the province's courts will handle cases involving enterprise financing for sci-tech innovation and commercialization of research results in accordance with the law.

Courts across the province will stress the accurate application of international conventions, practices and domestic laws to guarantee equal litigation status, rights and treatment of Chinese and foreign parties, according to the Intellectual Property Court of Jiangsu High People's Court.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan