
50 years on, China remains committed to advancing UN cause

-- "China has stood with pride and contributed to the international community," commented Abdulla Shahid, president of the 76th session of the UNGA. "China has played a very, very important role in multilateralism and strengthening the United Nations."

-- Upon the 50th anniversary of the restoration of its lawful seat in the United Nations, China has pledged to continue to be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, a defender of the international order and a provider of public goods.

-- In a newly published position paper, China says it believes that international affairs should be addressed through consultation by all, and that the future of the world should be decided by all countries together.

BEIJING, Oct. 24  -- Five decades ago, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted to restore all lawful rights of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the United Nations, opening a new era of interaction between the Asian country and the world body.

Over the past 50 years, China has offered full support for the UN cause by upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, played a constructive and increasingly important role in international affairs, and made great contributions to world peace and development.

Upon the 50th anniversary of the restoration of its lawful seat in the United Nations, China has pledged to continue to be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, a defender of the international order and a provider of public goods.


On Oct. 25, 1971, the UNGA at its 26th session adopted Resolution 2758 with an overwhelming majority to restore all the rights of the PRC and to recognize the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations.

"I have never seen such a resounding applause in my life," said Iftikhar Ali, a Pakistani journalist who witnessed the moment, recalling that cheers and applause filled the air and people were hugging each other.

That moment came more than two decades after the founding of the PRC, which had been kept out of the international organization mainly due to the hostility of and obstruction by the United States.
