
Only 33 Nanjing Massacre survivors remain

(Wan Chengpeng & Gaoxin/Xinhua Daily)

On July 18, the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders held a mourning ceremony for five victims of the massacre who passed away this year.

During the "lights out" ceremony, the lightboxes of Cheng Fubao, Chen Guixiang, Liu Suzhen, Gao Ruqin, and Shi Xiuying were turned off, and their colored photos gradually turned to black and white. All participants bowed three times.

Jiang Bingchun, the great-grandson of Chen Guixiang, participated in the event. "My great-grandmother was a victim of the Nanjing Massacre and a witness to history. She gave testimonies and participated in gatherings during her lifetime. In 2011, she traveled to Hiroshima, and shared her personal experiences with the Japanese people," said Jiang.

Before passing away, Gao Ruqin decided to donate her body to the Red Cross Society of China Nanjing Branch, according to his son Xiang Jun. During the "lights out" ceremony, Gao’s family members also donated dozens of items to the memorial hall, including the certificate for voluntary body donation.

The loss of the five survivors has reduced the number of registered survivors to 33.

On July 18, the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders held a mourning ceremony for five victims of the massacre who passed away this year. (Wan Chengpeng & Gaoxin/Xinhua Daily)

On July 18, the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders held a mourning ceremony for five victims of the massacre who passed away this year. (Wan Chengpeng & Gaoxin/Xinhua Daily)

On July 18, the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders held a mourning ceremony for five victims of the massacre who passed away this year. (Wan Chengpeng & Gaoxin/Xinhua Daily)
