
Jiangsu records 8,842 animal and plant species, up 28% over 2022

Jiangsu reported a total of 8,842 species according to the latest biodiversity survey, marking an increase of 1,939 species or 28% compared to 2022. 

The coastal province records 2,800 species of vascular plants, an increase of 801 species over 2022. The new additions include 24 species of wild plants under national key protection, such as the lotus-leaved maidenhair fern and Changnienia amoena. These plants are generally thriving and expected to expand their populations. 

The province is home to 521 species of terrestrial vertebrates, 72 more than in 2022. Newly discovered species include seven wild animals under national fist-class protection, such as the small Indian civet and Chinese merganser, as well as 11 species under second-class protection. 

The survey identified 2,933 species of terrestrial insects, an increase of 1,015 species compared to 2022. This group included three species under second-class protection - Chinese luehdorfia, Carabus lafossei, Carabus davidis – with an expanding distribution. Several species, including Chlaenius tetragonoderus, marked historical records. 

In Jiangsu, there are 2,588 species of freshwater creatures, an increase of 51 species compared with 2022. The number of fish varieties and Yangtze finless porpoise in the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River has increased significantly due to the comprehensive protection of the river and the implementation of the "10-year fishing ban." Notably, rare and endangered species such as Chinese sturgeon and Chinese high-fin banded shark have been recorded and discovered in the survey. 

In recent years, Jiangsu has basically completed biodiversity surveying in key areas such as along the Yangtze River, around Taihu Lake and in the mountainous Yili area. 
The province’s conservation measures have produced positive results, with the ecological and environment quality continuously improving and the habitat of various species recovering.