
Rogerio Aguiar Rodrigues: Acquisition and integration, it's also about culture

Rogerio Aguiar Rodrigues, Managing Director of WEG Motors (Changzhou), and winner of May 1 Labor Honorary Medal of Jiangsu Province, shares his view of hard-working during an interview with Xinhua Daily. 

“I used to say that none work is hard if you do what you like and what makes you have the sensation of ‘mission accomplished’ in the end of the day. Maybe this is the key: love what you do and feel that the job is important for your group, your community and your family,” Rodrigues said. 

In 2014, the company that Rodrigues works in Brazil - WEG Group, one of the largest companies in motors and energy related solutions - acquired three companies in Changzhou in the segment of motors, controls and gearboxes for appliance industries and commercial applications. Rodrigues participated in this process of acquisition, and in 2017 he was nominated Managing Director of WEG Changzhou. 

WEG has invested a lot in Changzhou since the acquisition, especially in the last two years, including an investment of $12 million in two new production lines that are state of art in electric motors production. 

According to Rodrigues, WEG Changzhou has been able to build together an environment of mutual cooperation, mutual learning and a very successful project of bringing the WEG Group culture of work inside and respecting China culture and values. “The people of my company are amazing. We have during these years built great work and also personal partnership and friendship,” said Rodrigues. 

Living abroad for sure is always a challenge and amazing experience. Rodrigues believes that “multiculturality” is one of the life skills that we always must to search in life. “It is a value that I always cultivate for myself and my sons. Maybe the key factor is to be open to live, know, understand and respect different cultures that make the world more colorful, more interesting, and to open our minds to see the world with ‘different eyes’.” 

For sure also there are personal challenges to work abroad - the distance from family and heritage, especially in these last two years when people have difficulties travelling abroad due to the pandemic. “For me, the distance of my beloved ones is very sad, but I’m sure it will have an end that all we hope to be soon,” Rodrigues said.
