
Yemeni student reports China’s anti-epidemic efforts in Arabic

Fares Alahmadi from Yemen, a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at Nanjing Forestry University, has recently published an article in the Arabic edition of People’s Daily online, calling for a belief in science amid fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Alahmadi's article was published in the Arabic edition of People’s Daily online.

Alahmadi, who has been in China for nine years, spent the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday in Nanjing during the outbreak of the COVID-19. 

He said that many Arabs who study, live or do business in China worry about the epidemic. On the other hand, there’s limited media coverage in Arabic about China’s battle against the outbreak. His family members had no idea about what efforts and achievements the Chinese government has made to ensure safety for its people and foreigners in the country. 

Fares Alahmadi

Since he has spent the holiday in Nanjing, he decided to write what he personally saw and heard in Arabic, calling for Arabs to have trust in the Chinese government and believe that the epidemic will end soon.  

During the epidemic outbreak, Nanjing Forestry University has taken effective measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. For example, foreign students living in the student accommodation were required to stay in the dormitory building and comply with other emergency response rules.  

The university was well aware of the stresses faced by students under lockdown, so it has used WeChat, a popular social networking app, to update information in both Chinese and English in a timely manner and keep students well informed. The university has also quickly launched a website to offer comprehensive information about the epidemic.  

“I believe in science and I have trust in China…China has been undergoing new development, and this has also inspired me to work hard and make new progress,” said Alahmadi. 

Although friends and family members asked him to go back to his country, Alahmadi said he believes that it’s very safe in Nanjing.  

Alahmadi has chosen a heart image as the profile photo of his WeChat account, on which are words of “love & peace”. 

Alahmadi‘s WeChat moment message shows his affection.

He said people may suffer more from stress amid the COVID-19 outbreak than the virus itself. It’s understandable that reading too much news about the epidemic everyday make people anxious, but people should be optimistic about the future. 

The growth of the number of people infected with the virus has decreased in most provinces, and this is certainly good news, said Alahmadi, adding he is full of confidence of China’s capability to win the battle against the outbreak and people can certainly get back to normal lives.   

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