
Huai Opera staged in Čakovec, Yancheng's sister city in Croatia

A delegation from Jiangsu’s Yancheng city was invited to stage Huai Opera, an intangible cultural heritage in China, in the "City Day" celebration in Čakovec, Croatia on May 29 local time.

Located in northern Croatia, Čakovec has a rich historical and cultural heritage. In May of 2022, Yancheng and Čakovec tied sister-city relationship, fostering frequent interactions and practical cooperation in economic, trade, and cultural fields. 

Huai Opera was originated in Jiangsu province and is a popular traditional art form in Yancheng. This was the first time Huai Opera was performed in Croatia. After the performance, local audiences enthusiastically approached the performers for interactions and photos, expressing their admiration. 

Following the performance, Huai Opera artists conducted a flash mob at Čakovec city square, attracting a large number of local citizens and tourists who stopped to watch and take photos. 

During this exchange event, the Huai Opera artists also held Hanfu and Huai Opera demonstrations in Zagreb of Croatia, and engaged in impromptu performances with local folk artists, promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between the two sides. 

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