
Regulation on Ecological and Environmental Protection to take effect on June 5

The Jiangsu provincial government held a press conference on May 30 to introduce the Regulation on Ecological and Environmental Protection, which will come into force on World Environment Day, June 5.

According to the regulation, Jiangsu will conduct regular surveys and enhance ecological monitoring across lakes and rivers, including the Yangtze River. The province plans to introduce strategies and action plans for biodiversity protection, and will also carry out biodiversity monitoring. Organizations and individuals will bear the responsibility for restoration and compensation for ecological damages they caused.

Jiangsu’s natural resources authorities are required to improve the allocation of resources, including land, sea and minerals. The housing and urban-rural development authorities need to accelerate the construction of sewage treatment facilities in towns.

Notably, Chapter 5 of the regulation, which is on green and low-carbon development, stipulates that Jiangsu will establish a robust mechanism to peak carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, and shift to controlling total emissions and intensity.

Recognizing the importance of agriculture and rural areas to ecological and environmental protection, Jiangsu will promote the development of eco-friendly agriculture, develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism and undertake scientific approach to land greening.
