
Jiangsu division of My Story of Chinese Hanzi competition holds finals in Yangzhou

Hosted by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Yangzhou Municipal People's Government, the Jiangsu division of "My Story of Chinese Hanzi" competition held the finals in Yangzhou City on July 18.

Since the preliminaries in June, nearly 100 foreigners from more than 30 countries participated in the provincial competition, with ten contestants advancing to the finals, in which the participants shared their experiences of studying Chinese characters under the theme of "home".

Now in its third edition, the nationwide competition is jointly organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and People's Daily Online (www.people.cn), with the aim of promoting exchanges and mutual understanding among civilizations.

The best ten candidates from Jiangsu will compete at the national level.
